Complete loan application and promptly furnish your lender with all requested documents and information. Purchasers should comply with these requests to avoid delays in closing.
Schedule the settlement date and time through your REALTOR and/or KEY TITLE. If any purchaser will not attend settlement, please contact KEY TITLE and your lender now for a pre-approved power of attorney. General powers of attorney may be insufficient because they lack specificity and precise language.
Obtain and provide a hazard insurance policy. Pay for year one and bring a paid receipt to settlement.
Home, radon, and walk-through inspections should be scheduled with seller’s representative by your realtor.
Determine who will order the termite inspection and ensure the certificate is delivered to the lender prior to closing.
Transfer all utilities into your name as of the date of settlement (or other date mutually agreed upon with seller). Ensure utilities will be on for your final walk-through inspection.
Settlement Proceeds must be wired to us. Please refer to the initial Purchaser letter for specific wire instructions and call our office the day prior to closing for the amount.